Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Reset VTIGER Admin password

If you can get access to the database, try changing the user_password field value in vtiger_users table to:

adpexzg3FUZAk which makes the password as admin

mysql> update vtiger_users set user_password='adpexzg3FUZAk' where user_name='admin' ;

You will also need to set the crypt_type field of vtiger_users to blank (empty value) if you are on 5.0.4 and above.update

mysql> vtiger_users set crypt_type='' where user_name='admin' ;

Now the password for "admin" is "admin"!

NOTE: Once you login make sure to update the password to a secure one through 'My Preferences' link.

1 comment:

FrozenJim said...

This just didn't work for me. I can't say why.

So what I did was edited the record for MY account in mysql. I just changed the field for is_admin from "off" to "on".

Then I logged in with my personal account and reset the password for admin.