Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Reset VTIGER Admin password

If you can get access to the database, try changing the user_password field value in vtiger_users table to:

adpexzg3FUZAk which makes the password as admin

mysql> update vtiger_users set user_password='adpexzg3FUZAk' where user_name='admin' ;

You will also need to set the crypt_type field of vtiger_users to blank (empty value) if you are on 5.0.4 and above.update

mysql> vtiger_users set crypt_type='' where user_name='admin' ;

Now the password for "admin" is "admin"!

NOTE: Once you login make sure to update the password to a secure one through 'My Preferences' link.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ubuntu Encrypted directory with EncFS

Install the ENCFS package:

apt-get install encfs fuse-utils

modprobe fuse

Make the directory where encrypted data will be stored:

mkdir /encrypted

Make a mount point:

mkdir /temp-encr

use encfs with this directories:

encfs /encrypted /temp-encr

enter your Password.

for avoid the others to access the encrypted data, just unmount the folder:

fusermount -u /encrypted /temp-encr

In encrypted folder only "Encrypted Data" could be seen.

If you want to encrypt a directory on your fileserver and have the decrypted mountpoint accessible by Linux or Windows clients via Samba, you need to modify your setup slightly to permit "other" access to the Fuse device.

First, modify the /etc/fuse.conf file so that the last line "user_allow_other" does NOT have a leading hash. Save and exit.

Next, add an option to your EncFS mount command:

encfs /encrypted /temp-encr -- -o allow_other

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mysql - Change Root Password

First stop the Mysql:

/etc/init.d/mysql stop

run this command to start Mysql again:

mysqld_safe –skip-grant-tables

Go to mysql:

mysql -u root mysql

and run this command in Mysql:

mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('newrootpassword') WHERE User='root';

then this command:


exit Mysql:

mysql> exit ;

Stop the mysqld service:

killall mysqld

and start that normally:

/etc/init.d/mysql start

That's all.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Solaris Remote Console (XDMCP)

vi /etc/default/login

and comment this line with # symbole:


Solaris Shell Profile

Type the following in terminal:

su -
stty erase ^H
export TERM
exec tcsh -l
eval `/usr/openwin/bin/resize -c`

Now, type in:

passwd -e

as the new shell, type in “/bin/tcsh”. Your default shell has now been changed to the Tenex C-shell; it can do everything bash can.

Don’t modify root’s SHELL.

type in “exit
type in “exit” again, then log in.

Create and edit the following files with your preferred text editor:

vi /.login

add this line:

stty erase ^H

vi /.cshrc

add these lines:

set Resize="/usr/openwin/bin/resize"

set autolist
set notify
set correct=cmd
set prompt="[%B%n@%m%b][%B%~%b]> "
set savehist=7000

eval "$Resize" -c

setenv TERM vt100
setenv PAGER ´less -s´

Anyways, now your cursor keys and the [BACKSPACE] will always work properly

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Debian Root-Mail Forwarding

In /root/.forward give your email address.

For forwarding www-data emails to root, open the /etc/aliases and add this line:

www-data: root